Copyright & Picture Credits
Tekst og bilder er som åndsverk beskyttet av opphavsrett, og forbudt å distribuere eller kopiere, helt eller delvis. Vi vil umiddelbart forfølge eventuelle brudd på opphavsretten.
All text is our property and forbidden to copy or distribute, in whole or in part. © Copyright: lilacland.no/A.J. Landsnes. Many of the Magnolia pictures are taken by Koen Camelbeke (KC), Laura Wester, (LW) and Philippe de Spoelberch (PdS) from Arboretum Wespelaar. Certain pictures are from photographers mentioned under Credits. Almost all other pictures are our own. Infringement by copying website images is illegal, and immediate action will be taken against anybody who do not respect the copyright.
Literature acknowledgements – Litteraturliste
J.M. Gardiner: Magnolias – Their Care and Cultivation. Cassell, London 1989.
Dorothy J. Callaway: The World of Magnolias. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon 1994.
Peter Smithers: Adventures of a Gardener. The Harvill Press/ RHS, London 1995.
Jim Gardiner: Magnolias – A Gardener’s Guide. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon 2000.
Erland Ejder: Magnolia stellata in its native habitat in Japan. MSI Journal, Volume 43, Issue no. 84, Fall/Winter 2008.
Yongxiang Kang & Erland Ejder (2011): Magnolia sprengeri, Pamp.: Morphological variation and geographical distribution. Plant Biosystems – An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, 2011.
Barbara Oozerally, Jim Gardiner & Stephen A. Spongberg: Magnolias in Art & Cultivation. Kew Publishing, Royal Botanic Gardens 2014.
Andrew Bunting: The Plant Lover’s Guide to Magnolias. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon 2016.
Beat Heerdegen & Reto Eisenhut: Magnolien und Tulpenbäume. Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2019.
Andreas Bärtels: Zauberhafte Magnolien – Exotische Schõnheiten in heimischen Garten. Quelle & Meyer Verlag, Wiebelsheim 2020.
Matthew S.Lobdell: Register of Magnolia Cultivars. Hortscience 56(12):1614–1675, 2021.
Susan Delano McKelvey: The Lilac – A Monograph. Macmillan and Co., London 1928.
Frank Leith Skinner: Horticultural Horizons – Plant Breeding and Introduction at Dropmore, Manitoba. Manitobe Department of Agriculture and Conservation 1966.
John L. Fiala: Lilacs – The Genus Syringa. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon 1988.
John L. Fiala: Lilacs – A Gardener’s Encyclopedia. Revised and updated by Freek Vrugtman. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon 2008.
Zelimir Borzan & Charles D. Holetich: Jorgovani. Zagreb 2014.
Nina Kirstine Brandt, Betty Jacoby og Henrik Jessen Toft: Syrenbogen. Forlaget Turbine, Aarhus 2015.
International Lilac Society: International Register and Checklist of Cultivar Names in the Genus Syringa. Edited by Mark L. DeBard, registrar. ILS 2021.
Picture Credits
Pictures from private sources, – friends in horticulture:
Koen Camelbeke, Arboretum Wespelaar: magnolia pictures (KC)
Laura Wester, Arboretum Wespelaar: magnolia pictures (LW)
Vicomte Philippe de Spoelberch, Arboretum Wespelaar: magnolia pictures (PdS)
Jean-Charles Pierron, Société Centrale d’Horticulture de Nancy: Victor Lemoine picture
Tatyana Polyakova, International Lilac Society: lilac pictures
Pictures from Flickr:
G524_persoon2: “A burst of intense beauty”. Magnolias in Arboretum Wespelaar. Maria | Flickr
Paco Garin: magnolia pictures from Jardín Botánico de Iturraran.
LiliAnn: “Still life with lilac”. Lilac ‘Sensation’ in vase. *LiliAnn* | Flickr
Coyoty: “Magnolia leaves after rain”. Coyoty | Flickr
Professional photographers credited:
Derek St Romaine, Garden Photo Library, UK: Lilac floral arrangement in vase with teacup and book showing old botanical print. https://gardenphotolibrary.com/
Lars Skaaning. Pictures from Syrenland, north of Faaborg, Denmark. https://www.larsskaaning.dk/
Stock photo companies, photographer credited:
Alamy Stock Photo, photographer James Cade: Magnolia x loebneri ‘Leonard Messel’.
Alamy Stock Photo, photographer Rolf Müller: Magnolia x loebneri ‘Encore’.
Alamy Stock Photo, photographer Ewa Sochacka: Magnolia x loebneri ‘Powder Puff’
Alamy Stock Photo, blickwinkel: Syringa vulgaris ‘Prince Wolkonsky’
Wikimedia Commons:
Anatomical diagram of the flower of Magnolia biondii. Jian-He.
A few pictures considered of uncertain internet origin. Legal claims will be honored.
All other images: Arild Johan Landsnes. Copyright Lilacland.no.
Thanks to:
First of all, – I want to honour two of the most outstanding dendrologists in the world: Vicomte Philippe de Spoelberch and Koen Camelbeke of Arboretum Wespelaar, Haacht near Brussels. Because of their kindness the magnolia section of the website has been lifted up to another and unexpected level. Images marked PdS and KC.
Also thanks to Maria Swinnens, Derek St Romaine, Paco Garin and Tatyana Polyakova. The lilac and teacup image of Derek St Romaine has been my favourite photo on this planet since almost thirty years. Tatyana Polyakova of International Lilac Society has contributed in cases when my own lilac images were not sufficient. Still some of the very best on the internet: Paco Garins magnolia pictures from Iturraran Botanical Garden near San Sebastiian. And Maria Swinnens’ wonderful image from Arboretum Wespelaar in Belgium simply had to be the front page window welcome to our universe of magnolias & lilacs.
Books and reading always were a passion in life for me since I was a young boy; – especially in cold days autumn and winter. I want to thank everybody on the literature list of acknowledgements, for sharing their knowledge, but also for being a source of inspiration to my own writing.
Finally I want to honour Silja Digranes who step by step tailored the website to fit my taste and furthermore please my demanding and pedantic wishes.
Engersand, April 2024. Arild Johan Landsnes.
Takk til:
Først vil jeg takke to av verdens dyktigste dendrologer: Vicomte Philippe de Spoelberch og Koen Camelbeke fra Arboretum Wespeleaar, Haacht utenfor Brussel. På grunn av deres store generøsistet har magnolia-delen av dette nettstedet blitt løftet opp på et annet og uventet nivå. De aktuelle bildene er merket PdS og KC.
Jeg vil også gjerne takke Maria Swinnens, Derek StRomaine, Paco Garin og Tatyana Polyakova. Derek St Romaine sitt nostalgiske bilde med syriner i vase, tekopp, bok og briller har vært mitt favorittbilde på denne planeten i snart tretti år. Tatyana Polyakova fra International Lilac Society har bidratt der hvor jeg selv har manglet syrinbilder. Stadig noen av de aller beste på internett: Paco Garins magnolia-bilder fra Iturraran Botaniske Hage nær San Sebastian! Og Maria Swinnens vidunderlige magnoliabilde fra Arboretum Wespelaar i Belgia var ganske enkelt det rette velkomstbilde som entré til vårt univers av magnolia og syriner.
Bøker og lesning alltid vært en sterk lidenskap i livet mitt, helt siden jeg var en liten gutt; – særlig i kalde høst-og vinterdager. Jeg vil takke alle på litteraturlisten for å dele av sin kunnskap, men også for inspirasjon til mine egne skriverier.
Til sist vil jeg takke Silja Digranes som steg for steg har utviklet og skreddersydd nettstedet til å passe min smak og ellers etterkomme mine kravfulle og pedantiske ønsker.
Engersand, April 2024. Arild Johan Landsnes.